Road to Motherhood

On Monday September 26th at 8:30 in the morning I went in for a C Section, my first major surgery, to give birth to our little girl Myah. She was too big to push vaginally plus she was breached most of my pregnancy, we could have tried flipping her but I was told its excruciatingly painful and only had a fifty fifty chance of working, so we decided to save both us the pain and stress and just cut me open.

Myah Dallas was born weighing 9 pounds 9 ounces, 20.5 inches long. We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful baby. We just love her to pieces. I think we have ourselves a keeper!

Doctor Adams did a fantastic job on my C section, I think he was happy with his own work when I saw him this past Tuesday for my two week check up, he even said he should take a picture of my incision because it was perfect, healing nicely too.

During our four day stay in the hospital I attempted to breastfeed but Myah was having difficulties with her blood sugar falling too low that we ended up just formula feeding her. Sadly she is still on formula my milk never came in, no matter how much I pumped it never filled the bottles.

I was pretty heartbroken that I am unable to successfully breastfeed her. Some woman can and some woman can’t and I’m slowly accepting the fact that I’m one of those who cannot. As long as shes healthy and happy that’s all that I can ask for. And her pediatrician is happy with how she’s currently doing, says she’s perfect even with the little bit of weight loss which has gotten better over the past week.

Motherhood is going to be a long journey with ups and downs, stressful days and stress free days but I’m ready to ride the roller coaster even if it means I get little to no sleep. We waited 7 years for our bundle of joy and we plan to enjoy every minute of being her parents.