Soda Detox. Day 27.

Introverted Wallflower Chronicles

Just wanted to drop in and give a quick update on my resolutions. Well the sweets thing has been a total bust I won’t tell you all the crap I have ate over the month. As far as the caffeine part goes I have been doing exceptionally well I haven’t tasted a mountain dew in 27 days and boy do I miss it. I crave it every now and again but haven’t broke down yet although I did have a close encounter when a family member ie my brother offered me one and I almost replied yes! But then I caught myself and declined. Yay for willpower.

The migranes have been at bay for the past few weeks so that’s awesome! I can’t say I haven’t had any pop but the last time I had a Pepsi was a Monday 2 weeks ago I believe. I know the goal was…

View original post 57 more words

Book Corner: Four

Wow holy cow! Did I actually read more than one book this month? This rarely happens so you’ll have to excuse my shock to this! And am I about to start my third book!


The book Four takes place before the events of Divergent.  The nice thing is you get more of his character development from before to how the finally book ends. I love that Veronica Roth chose to write this book from Four’s perspective made me love the character that much more! & oh less I forget I even named my Dragon Age Inquisition character Tobias after him!

I am extremely sad that this series has come to an end and that there isn’t any more to read but all great things come to an end. It was one hell of a ride!


Out with the old in with the new Next book up is Star Wars Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber. I believe I wrote a review on his Star Wars Maul Lockdown and I absolutely loved that book so I hold this book in high regard!

Happy Reading everyone!

One Geekified Interview: Nerd Rage Renegades

 Time to bring back one of my favorite blog posts? Yes you guessed it, it’s the GEEKIFIED INTERVIEWS! Last year I had such a fantastic turnout that I couldn’t continue and not have it on here, So without further introduction let’s get right into it! The difference between this interview and the rest that I have written before they only contained one person but I decided I wanted to try my hand at interviews, especially with podcasts, with multiple people so we shall see how it goes. Please give me feedback on here if you like it this way or if I should go back to doing single interviews.

I have been following this podcast called Nerd Rage Renegades for the longest time and I hadn’t checked out the show until last month and boy am I glad that I did because it’s a great show, a little foul mouth entertainment doesn’t hurt anyone! Lets jump right into my interview with Spin and Space Chief!

Tell us a little about yourselves. Anything you would like to share.

Spin: 31-year-old geek guy who delves head first into the fandoms I love learning everything about them by researching and discovery. Live with my family and try not to strangle people on a daily basis.

Chief: Well, I’m a 30 plus year comic book samurai, I have 2 dogs, play the guitar, live west of Chicago with the Space Wife!

How has social media improved/impacted your life?

Spin: It has opened the doors to so many people and situations that I never thought possible. It is frustrating and sometimes I want to reach through the computer and slap the crap out of people for being stupid but it is what it is. Also met my blood brother Chief on there.

Chief: It’s literally the world….I’ve met so many cool people in different countries around the globe that share my interests,  met Spin on Twitter, our show is on multiple sites…so yeah, love it

Who inspired you to be the geek you are today?

Chief:  My Dad…first and foremost….he was a huge Science Fiction and Superman fan my whole life…he passed in 2009 and I carry on his legacy I suppose.

Spin: My parents, I remember at a young age my mom taking me to see Willow and Transformers in the theater, buying me comics and video games, so BLAME THEM!!!

If you could give a geek from this generation advice what would you say?

Chief: Enjoy this stuff….don’t overthink it, don’t listen to reviewers….make up your own mind about what you like and suspend disbelief.

Spin: Stop trying to analyze everything in a comic or movie and stop with the nonsense. Remember what it was like to be a kid and see these wondrous things and just marvel in it. Stop trying to change everything to fit your needs. 

If you had to give up one geeky hobby what would it be? And what would you replace it with?

Spin: Uhm I’ll say uhm you know I can’t think of one to give up, but I will add making wooden clogs and wearing lederhosen to the list!

Chief: Probably tabletop games….as much fun as I have, it’s difficult to get a good tournament going with people’s schedules being what they are.

Where can my readers find out more about you?

Spin: Twitter is the best place @nrdrgerenegades. Just ask away

Chief:  @SpaceChief75 just come ask me! Haha I also do videos on YouTube under the Space Chief Rants title…

As geeks we have been ridiculed at some point in our lives. How did you cope with that and how has it effected you as an adult?

Chief: Fortunately for me those things happened pretty few and far between, the advantage of an older brother I guess, but they did happen occasionally and I really can’t say that I’m over it. I tend to hold a grudge for a while. I think if anything it’s made me more guarded and fiercely defensive of what is mine.

Spin: I say fuck them (can I say fuck in this interview?) I have been to war and come back alive I could care less what these people think. Those who are my friends are who matter not haters.

Tell us all about your Podcast Nerd Rage Renegades!

Chief: Spin and I basically get together once or twice a week and just discuss things that we like, that bug us, things we’re looking forward to etc.. it’s fun and a far cry from our old podcast, which was way more regimented and planned.

Spin: It’s a show that was born out of anger because of something that had happened. Chief and I needed something to let loose our pent-up frustrations and we decided to create this show and it took on a life of its own and people dug it so we keep going. It’s unscripted, uncensored and when  you listen the opinions are ours. We don’t kiss ass, we don’t sugar coat anything, this is how we truly feel and you know what agree or disagree with us.

How did you come up with the name for your podcast?

Chief: I have no idea…haha that’s Spin’s department.

Spin: Ok so we had played around with a lot of names or combination of names for the show. Then one night im sitting in bed and Full House is on right, and its an episode where Joey and Jesse are the Rush Hour Renegades, well change the first two words and BAM!

Where would you like to see your podcast go?

Chief: I haven’t thought about it actually going anywhere…I’m just enjoying it. We somehow (mostly through Spin’s pr skills) have been able to grow and gain a modicum of popularity and I honestly don’t know where it will stop.

Spin: I’d like to see it go to the point Chief and I are in a nursing home, shitting ourselves and hot nurses are changing us while we are still doing the podcast talking about shows that are a hundred years old.

What are some of your favorite retro games to play? What retro systems do you own?

Spin: Sonic is my all time favorite game hands down. I own all the originals for Genesis, also a big fan of Yar’s Revenge on the 2600. My retro systems are *cracks knuckles* Atari 2600, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy SP, Sega Game Gear, and im throwing in the DS, DSi, Playstation and PS2.

Chief: I love Donkey Kong, Pitfall, Centipede was my jam, Super Mario Bros. Mario 3…the list goes on! I own zero retro systems because Spin bought them all! Hahaha….but seriously I do not own any, I’m more the Comic Book/Horror/Novel guy on the show…I have played and enjoyed many “retro” games but mostly because I’m 39 and that shit wasn’t called retro when I was a kid…it was NEW! Haha

What intrigues you the most about shows based on the topic of Big Foot? Are you a believer?

Chief:  I think belief is the wrong word, I would say I’ve seen enough compelling evidence to support the existence of such a creature and think that real investigation is warranted. The reason I’m fascinated with this topic is the fossil record shows that the creature very well could have existed or still exists today unlike most other cryptid animals.

Spin: I believe mostly because I think bigfoot is my long-lost Uncle Morty.

What’s the last movie you Saw? what movie(s) are you most excited for this year?

Spin: Last movie I saw in the theater was Into the Woods, and can i say Anna Kendrick OMG!!! but i digress, movies im excited for Star Wars, Avengers, Jurassic World

Chief: Last movie in a theater was The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies….Most excited for Star Wars, Avengers, Mad Max and the SpongeBob movie!

What makes a great movie in your opinion?

Spin: Just one im interested in. I’m not a fan of romantic comedies or the like but a good film has to keep my attention and make me think or give me a shit ton of explosions and I’m happy. Or giant monsters, or unicorns, or Johnny Depp, or Anne Hathaway……..bacon

Chief: I tend not to over analyze movies…I just like what I like for whatever reason and don’t like what I don’t like…Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and almost all the time “Film Critics” are failed screenwriters that actually don’t know more than anyone else about film technique and all that artsy bullshit people pay a lot of money to have vomited at them at fancy schools.

What comics do you currently read? Are you into Marvel, DC or Indie comics?

Spin: I read comics from all companies. I like the characters and stories. The one I never miss however and have been collecting since 1993 and bought half of the collection from the artist of the book is Sonic the Hedgehog

Chief: I read everything…Marvel, DC, Image,  Dark Horse,  BOOM, IDW, Atlas,  Fantagraphics, you name it.

What makes you like Horror movies?

Chief:  I don’t know, I just kinda gravitated toward that genre. I was exposed to George Romero films at a very young age and something just clicked. By the time I was ten, I had subscriptions to Fangoria, Deep Red, Starlog and a host of other fanzines and was attempting to create special effects in my bedroom. My goal was to someday work with Tom Savini. That never panned out, but the love is still there.

Spin: They make me laugh. I mean come on every horror film is clichéd or predictable. I mean its insane right! But i love those “horror” films that make me think or are a mindfuck, like the first SAW. Ok did anyone out there know the dude in the middle was Jigsaw? Plus Jigsaw never technically killed anyone! AND THE SECOND FILM HAD DONNIE WHALBURG!!!

What’s your favorite horror film and why?

Chief: Still, Night Of The Living Dead…that was the first Romero film I watched at about 8 or 9 years old and I just obsessed on it.

Spin: Hollywood Wives……what I’m serious its terrifying! No actually horror films man I love some old ones like House on Haunted Hill, Sleepaway Camp, or those that just make you really uneasy.

What are your favorite “old” and “new” cartoons to watch?

Spin: Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, Bob’s Burgers is my new favorite and my daughter has a hat with Bunny Ears and says its her Bob’s Burgers watching hat. Old ones, Transformers G1, GIJoe, Thundercats, Silverhawks, Cowboys of Moo-Mesa, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men

Chief: NEW-Adventure Time, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, Steven Universe, Gumball, Teen Titans Go, Young Justice, Green Lantern TAS, anything from the DCU basically….OLD-Looney Tunes, Scooby, I get a huge kick out of anything from my childhood like He-Man, Superfriends, Transformers etc..

What TV shows are you currently watching? What show would you like to see on TV and what shows shouldn’t be on television?

Chief: Constantine, Arrow, The Flash, The Walking Dead of course, I watch constant television so the list is immense but those four are definitely favorites. Far be it from me to say a show shouldn’t be on the air but stuff that I find absolutely vile is about 90% of everything on TRU and anything with a Housewife from somewhere title. I would love to one day see an actual BATMAN tv series that isn’t goofy as hell. Don’t get me wrong, I love Adam West, but hopefully the character would be taken much more seriously in a modern tv series.

Spin: All the ones Chief mentioned and Supernatural and Columbo. Yes I know Columbo isn’t a new show and it isn’t even on tv anymore but I freaking LOVE Columbo. Shouldnt be on tv? Kardashians, everything on MTV that glorify stupidity or kids doing stupid stuff. OH and DUCK DYNASTY I FREAKING HATE THAT SHOW!!

Do you have any hobbies that aren’t considered to be in the geek realm, if so What?

Spin: I think any hobby you can geek out to but I’m a hockey fan. Been a Washington Capitals fan for over 25 years and I love watching them play.

Chief:  I can’t think of any!

What’s one thing about yourself that not many people know?

Spin: I am an artist and a writer. Been doing that for all my life, I am a Marine Corps Veteran of the Iraq War, I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners at Pizza joints, I am a Gemini

 Chief: I have a college degree! Can you believe that? They actually gave me one.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to start their own podcast?

Spin: Don’t do it for fame or fortune or because you think it will get you those things. Grab a buddy and have fun with it. Don’t over think, dont bog yourself down. Talk about what you love and why you love it.

Chief: Just be yourself,  have fun, make it interesting for your audience.

What hardware do you use for the show? (recording equipment, etc.)

Chief: Spin knows that stuff! Haha

Spin: Alien Tech, very advanced most humans have never seen….wait a minute! ARE YOU FEDS? IS THIS A STING? GET THAT CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE! THE ALIENS GAVE IT TO US! ITS OURS!!!!!!

Thanks for agreeing to doing the interview with me Spin and Chief! If you want to join in the fun like these two please email me today! I have plenty of room for everyone so please don’t hesitate. Even if you’re not the best at answering questions/writing or if you find yourself uninteresting, please still volunteer no one will judge your answers because your being yourself and that’s all I ask for.  Email at and you can also find me on Facebook as well!



Uptown Funk- Mark Ronson- Bruno Mars


Time to bring back Song of the day! However I may change the title to Song of the month since I probably wont post one a day. How does that sound? Sounds perfect to me which means I will have to update my Featured image a big. Sure would be nice to have professional looking banners but that comes in time.

Song for The month of January is:



I listen to this song almost every morning at work to get me in a good people mood! Plus you cannot help but shake your butt! Am I the only one? I doubt it! I just love the sound and the beat to it, it sure does stick with you even if you only catch half the song. I actually have it as my ringtone on my cell! Enjoy the song and here are the lyrics:

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh duh (Aaaaaaow!)

This hit
That ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer
That white gold
This one, for them hood girls
Them good girls
Straight masterpieces
Stylin’, while in
Livin’ it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself I’m so pretty

I’m too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire, man
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Say my name you know who I am
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Am I bad ’bout that money
Break it down

Girls hit you hallelujah (whuoo)
Girls hit you hallelujah (whuoo)
Girls hit you hallelujah (whuoo)
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to you
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to you
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to you
Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me, just watch (Come on)

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh (Hah!)

Don’t believe me, just watch

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh (Hah!)

Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Hey, hey, hey, oh!

Wait a minute
Fill my cup put some liquor in it
Take a sip, sign a check
Julio! Get the stretch!
Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, Mississippi
If we show up, we gon’ show out
Smoother than a fresh jar o’ Skippy

I’m too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire, man
I’m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn)
Bitch, say my name you know who I am
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Am I bad ’bout that money
Break it down

Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to you
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to you
‘Cause Uptown Funk gon’ give it to you
Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me, just watch (come on)

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh (Hah!)

Don’t believe me, just watch

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh (Hah!)

Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Hey, hey, hey, oh!

Before we leave
Let me tell y’all a lil’ something
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up
I said Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up

Come on, dance
Jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
If you freaky then own it
Don’t brag about it, come show me
Come on, dance
Jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
Well it’s Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me, just watch (come on)

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh (Hah!)

Don’t believe me, just watch

Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh doh (Hah!)

Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Don’t believe me, just watch
Hey, hey, hey, oh!

Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up
Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)
Uptown Funk you up

-Lyrics were found on

Book Corner: Allegiant

Finished my first book of the year yesterday afternoon! I actually read it pretty quickly considering it usually takes me about a month to read a book maybe longer depending on the subject. I set a goodreads goal of thirty books which means I have to read about 2.5 books a month!


Allegiant is the third book in the Divergent series I must say it was probably the best one in my opinion. With that being said I hated the ending it made me so angry I contemplated throwing it at a wall. Damn you Veronica Roth damn you!! It’ll make you angry but you’ll want to cry also.

Next book is Four by Roth. It’s supposed to be before the events of Tris Prior!


Happy Reading!

WYSIWYG is Live on Kickstarter!

Broken Prism Games & Reviews

In WYSIWYG you play a light fingered thief. Your goal is to loot, pickpocket, and burgle your way to fame and riches.


Each player is attempting to collect Items, everyone gets one go at stealing from the target. As you collect the items, you will trade them in at a Fence each fence is represented by a color token. When you have 3 items with the same color Token. i.e. the locked Chest, The Ancient Tablet, and the Treasure Map. You trade them into the Green Fence. You get a Green wink to represent being “Solid” with this Fence.

Winner is the first thief to become “Solid” with 5 of the 7 available Fences. But keep an eye out. The other thieves maybe aiming to take your ill-gotten goods from you! And with the Fence Rewards come item cards that can assist in their nefarious plans to take your loot…

View original post 581 more words

Resolutions. Worth it?

Introverted Wallflower Chronicles

Happy 2015 Everyone! Another year has passed at the speed of sound. I remember being a kid it felt like the years passed at the speed of a turtle now here I am at the age of 25, almost 26 and the years seem to be somewhat of a blur. Anyways we all know that people set out to be a different person in the new year, I ask you Is that even possible or worth it?

Now I usually never make resolutions because frankly I am weak willed and unable to change. But I did set one goal I have yet to accomplish over several attempts and that is quit drinking pop everyday (I drink about a liter and a half a day) now don’t tell me that isnt excessive or that I don’t need to lose any weight because I’m skinny but I weigh more than the day…

View original post 134 more words

Comics Galore. End 2014.

The end is here. The end of the year 2014 that is no need to worry! Just enjoying the last few hours in this year before moving onto new bigger and better things in 2015! Decided that since I read 19 out of my 15 goodreads goal I would wait until I could start my 2015 goal to start the next book so I thought I would read some comics to finish out the year and here’s what I read!


Storm #4


Angela Asgards Assassin #1


Scarlett Spider #1


Storm Dogs. #1


Saga. #1
I must say this wasn’t quite ready for what was inside. I’d need to read a few more issues to decide on it either way. Wasn’t expecting the nudity but put that aside the story was interesting enough.


Dead Letters. #1

Hope everyone has enjoyed these comic posts even though there’s not much to them I just like to share what I read!  Hope to continue reading more and more comic books!

See you in 2015! Happy Reading!