Reading Challenge 2016!!

IMG_1397This post was meant to be done at the beginning of the year but I have been behind on all the things I wanted to accomplish so I am playing catch up once again it seems this is my pattern I can’t break. Oh well least I am sitting down now and getting it done! Procrastination is my middle name…obviously.

This challenge was brought to my attention on Facebook and on Instagram through my old cast mates of the podcast “Chickcast.” I already do a GoodReads goal and my goal from 2016 was a total of 30 books or more if possible, since last year I had to cut back down to 25 because I was way off track. Its been helpful though because it gives me some ideas of what books to read. Plus I am a sucker for any kind of challenges, if I could find any good writing ones I would do those as well! Maybe I’ll create my own one of these days.

So far I have only knocked one-off this list: A book chosen for you by your spouse, partner, sibling, child or Bff. I read Dragon Age : The Last Flight  written by Liane Merciel and it was chosen for me by my brother. It was such a great book and I loved finding out what happened to the legends that were the Griffons and the end of the Fourth blight by Garahel and the Grey Wardens. IF you love the video games pick up all the books they are well written and amazing my favorite will always be Asunder!

IMG_1501Here are the books I have read so far for my GoodReads Goal:

  • Star Wars : Dark Disciple by Christie Golden. If you love Asajj Ventress then this books for you. The cool thing about this novel is that it was actually supposed to be an episode on Star Wars: The Clone Wars but was never made. I have always been intrigued by her character as a whole and I am glad that I read this book. Then again I haven’t read a star wars book I didn’t love. I gave this one a five star rating.
  • Then I read Hellblazer Volume #1 aka Constantine. It was really good but to be honest I actually started it last year but kept getting distracted by other things. A lot of the issues in this volume made me miss the show Constantine.  Actually they took a lot from this book to make the show and I think it’s still a travesty that the TV show was cancelled. I love you Matt Ryan!!
  • Right now I am currently knocking another book off the list: A book You have been meaning to read. I read all the other mass effect books and was blown away by them, I love getting more out of a series than just a video game, this also applies to the Dragon Age books.
    51blMUx+kAL._SX298_BO1,204,203,200_Now with that being said once I heard that Mass Effect:  Deception was written by William C Dietz and not by Drew Karpyshyn, he wrote all the previous books, I was a little worried. There was a rumor going around that Dietz totally went off base on this one that it was horrible and people should stay away until they revised it (which never happened to my knowledge.)
    Then the other week my brother and I went to the library and I decided “Hey I know this book is supposed to be flawed but hey let’s see for myself.” So far I am kind of regretting that decision but I will persevere and finish it, the biggest problem with it is the lore is not used to its fullest potential it almost feels like the guy just decided I’m not going to do research and just write a book. I also do not like the setup of this book the flow is so choppy that I feel like my brain is jumping around in my head trying to grasp at straws. I feel like the chapters could have been broken up differently and the different characters should have been broken up into their own chapters like so many other great books. We shall see what I think once I hit the end of the book but right now I’m not sold and it takes a lot for me to dislike a book and give it a negative review.

That’s where I am so far in this reading challenge. I am excited to get more knocked off the list and I’ve already been trying to think of what books to read for certain challenges. Please feel free to join me in this challenge I would love to know what books you chose. Happy Reading everyone!

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